We spent 2016 against a refrain of "emails!" while journalists asked whether there was enough evidence to call Trump "racist" after he fantasized about murdering Muslim people w/ bullets dipped in pigs' blood so yes people are a little skittish about how the media will frame 2020
Like how many years did we spend entertaining the question of whether Trump is racist? How long were we subjected to the notion of whether or not we could ever answer this question w/out first peering into his brain & seeing "I'm a racist" tattooed on his frontal cortex?
Dems make mistakes & the media should report on them. The issue is that Dems are less flawed than Republicans, who are committing like 100 weekly fascisms at this point, so the media feels the need to be a balancing force by hyper-focussing on the one mistake a Democrat made
This creates a situation in which the single error committed by a Dem sticks to them as a narrative, whereas Trump can veer between threatening protesters & calling a virus that has killed 120k Americans under his watch the "Kung Flu" and we act like, on balance, it's the same!
The Republicans don't even believe in science, y'all. They call themselves fiscal conservatives but repeatedly demonstrate that's just a ruse so they can hurt poor people & minorities while self-enriching. They spent the last 3 months arguing we should sacrifice elderly people
Democrats, meanwhile, are flawed, but rationale, & at least mostly committed to trying to have a functional society. Many of them also want to help people.

Criticize them! But there is absolutely no reason to bring them into some kind of analytic balance w/ Republicans.
So, yeah, it is frustrating to hear journalists say that Biden is running a "very flawed" campaign when he's +10 in national polls & making GA + TX competitive. Does Biden deserve criticism? Of course. But there's very little evidence at this point that his campaign is struggling
We literally found out five days ago that Trump was like, "You want to commit genocide? Good idea."

How is that not a daily news story? How is that not being hammered into the national consciousness at the same level of "emails?"

Yes, people are a bit frustrated w/ the media
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