I have defended individualism for my entire adult life, because I disdain racial-identity politics. But the country is going another direction. And so long as our discourse blames current whites for most of the problems that beset other groups, individualism will erode.
You can't constantly berate whites and ask them to kneel without triggering resentment and bitterness. And that bitterness in turn will blossom into full-fledged identity concerns. In a large multi-racial society, this is a recipe for constant strife.
I think individualism is one of the great triumphs of the West. And it pains me to watch activists like acid eat away at it. But, I'm a realist. I don't see anything changing in the near future. Racial identity politics will cast a larger and larger shadow over the West.
Let's hope that these are more benign than they have been throughout history, because, if not, the next 20-50 years are going to be extremely unpleasant.
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