the methodology looks sound. it's not a model, it's measuring incidence of ILI (influenza like illness) reported in excess of actual flu. (unexplained ILI)

and these findings correlate tightly to known covid spread

this is more than suggestive. this looks like real evidence
if there were 8.7 million new cases in just 3 weeks during march, then the US had probably hit 15-20 million cases by end of march and totals by now are easily going to be 40-60 million.

this is a number that looks like, wait for it, annual flu.

so it's not at all surprising.
a disease that spreads like flu and may have a higher R0 and had been in the US since november was going to wind up with an infection footprint that looks like flu.

but this has another serious implication: lockdown was a total waste of time and had no hope of working.
by mid march when distancing responses began in the US, this was likely already at 10 or 12 million cases, bare minimum.

that's 3-3.6% of US population.

the CDC's own guidelines state that quarantine stops being effective past about 1% prevalence.
and that explains this.

it's clear lockdown and distancing had no effect on spread.

now we can say with high certainty why: the horse was not only out of the barn but over the paddock fence and gone by the time we reached for the door.
at the risk of a little self congratulation, certain internet cats were saying this months ago.

so were others like @ElonBachman and many others i'm sure i had not yet found at that point.

this was GLARINGLY obvious.
epidemiologists are not to be trusted. some do great work in the field trying to contain ebola, but the ones that sit around universities tinkering with "models of mass destruction" are the tinfoil hat nutters of the bio-science world.
and their bureaucratic brethren (and sistren? is that a word?) in health agencies are just as bad but twice as lazy and half as smart.

99% of them have fallen flat on their faces when put to the test.

the spread panic and poverty, not protection.
and the CDC/US health officials should have known lockdown was absurd.

they had the data.

and this was OBVIOUS by jan and feb.

they were asleep at the switch, missed the signs, then panicked into $5 trillion and counting of pointless policy.

it's a disgrace.
and it's being whitewashed with fake papers in once prestigious journals that literally use the variance of reality from failed models to validate the assumptions of those models.

this is like crushing and snorting crazy pills to break the time release.
remember this the next time someone tries to sell you on "we need regulators and bureaucracies to keep us safe."

thinking you have on a helmet when you don't is FAR more dangerous than not having one at all and having incompetents in charge of safety does not make you safer.
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