Over $25k was donated to Lore Blumenthal’s family to cover legal fees and other expenses while she awaits trial, without bail, for allegedly setting fire to two patrol cars during a protest in Philly @gofundme is refusing to release the donations to her family without explanation
Not only is law enforcement making an example of this young woman by charging her federally for her alleged crimes but now @gofundme is refusing to give her family THOUSANDS of dollars they desperately need to pay for her legal representation and legal fees.
The family has reached out to @gofundme several times over the last few days and has yet to receive an explanation as to why the are essentially stealing money from donators and the family. It’s fucking appalling. @CNN @ABC @iamjohnoliver
Seems to me like that the DOJ is doing everything in their power to “stick it to” this woman. From storming her home in the middle of the night with FBI, ICE and local law enforcement to labeling her as a flight risk and removing her ability to post bail.
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