Can i help you all real quick, manifesting is all about the intentions there is no way in the world that because you ask the universe to deliver someone specific to you that it will backfire and no way that you are better because you are asking for money or opportunities because
News flash that too messes with free will. Imagine you wrote down the intention to find 500$ and you stumbled upon an envelope with 500$ in it did you think about the fact you just gained from someone else’s misfortune unfortunately the universe isn’t planting envelopes around
Your city saying oh shit i hope Pooh finds this money nah mf somebody lost that money and you found it but it doesn’t take away from the blessing for you and the lesson for them you clearly needed it and they most likely had it to spare or they’ll gain 10 fold on that loss it’s
The exact same in love sometimes your person must be energetically pulled your way for you both to walk in your destiny and half the time you asking for the opportunity with them specifically to resurface does not mean you fucked with their free will. The universe knows EXACTLY
How to bring that person to you. They could do something where y’all cross paths where y’all get stuck some where together and have no choice but to talk which rekindles everything shit they may have even been manifesting you and the universe was waiting on your green light too
Ask and you shall receive. Now by all means i am not glorifying nor do i approve things like dick binding spells where you truly are fucking with free will this is specific but not limited to you telling the universe this person is all yours kill off everybody coming to interfere
Blah blah blah! I’m saying when you pray for your person to come back into your life with a new start if that’s fit for y’all where you tell the universe exactly what you want and how you want it but surrendering afterwards with the knowing it could be your person or someone new
Knowing that you gave it your best shot and now the universe is gonna have their way and resting in the trust that the universe will bring blessings as your destiny allows...
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