the reporter is rapidly becoming the story
also @RT_com from earlier

much lower quality

worth noting @CharlesFLehman is willing to take commentary from informed people, and I'll suspend "Don't Talk To Reporters" this once (but please be careful even so)

Charles, I trust you will advise anyone who reaches out on downside risks. ❤️

note these are /alumni/ tho

imagine things look different inside

this has been in the works for a while (I think? No idea how long it takes to write a story)

curious angle
meanwhile from a reporter at @NBCNews we have this Take

expect this will be the mainline press response: drawing circles around SSC and right folks

the Outgroup is Bad, news at 10
I dearly wish @RT_com had not written their dumb piece.
meanwhile, local freelance bluecheck maintains remarkable beginner mindset with respect to Journalism And Its Consequences

this is the kind of naive perspective I crave from people with bylines
just imagine a world without the @nytimes!

I've never unironically promoted a hash before but per @balajis, fuck it, #ghostnyt
other news: @Scholars_Stage is putting together a letter to NYT. If you fit these criteria and are able to safely sign given your personal circumstances, please consider dropping him a DM
Continuing on this point, my impression is that journalism is in some ways a remarkably rarefied and idiosyncratic culture.

When attempting to exert external force on a social space, it's best to have an understanding of its internal dynamics.

(protip for @CadeMetz)
Here's Scott Aaronson's post on the matter. He's a sweetheart. 
. @nytimes may indeed be having a worse month than Scott

wonder how this affects things wrt this story

less organizational dry powder for fighting back?

internal incoherence --> they do something really stupid?

guys if we can get them to lay off just one more person

wouldnt that be

to be clear I would prefer no one be laid off ceteris paribus

I would be delighted if they simply developed a good policy around doxxing people like Scott


I will never fail in my duty to the sex number joke
on the other hand this also seems better than the baseline of doxxing Scott
commentary from writer at @TheAtlantic and something or other at Yale opposing doxxing

otoh, ironical bio,,,,,,,
referring earlier to comments re: internal journo comms, I think there is actually significance to these public statements by journalists for forming consensus around standards of practice

consider the effect in your own circles of prominent figures taking such stances openly
nb I have no idea what makes someone prominent in Journalism or what reflects social clout

I assume bylines listed in bios are a somewhat good standin for prestige but I have no idea how to read the particulars
these public statements are not cheap signals, either

@robertwrighter and @kausmickey were uneasy about shitting on the Sulzberger family in a @bloggingheads episode a week or two back because of the social/career implications

such stances are potentially costly.
and who even watches bloggingheads in 2020!
re internal operation at @nytimes, this would not surprise me at all

unsure how to counter this most effectively

entirely possible criticism makes them double down

hard to say really 🤔
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