idk who has been in taught this in school but here's a THREAD to KNOW IF YOU'RE PREGNANT (when you don't have access to a pregnancy test for whatever reason)⚠️
first you will need to know if you cycles are regular. if not, i'm sorry but i don't think i can help you there :/
now you will need to know the length of your cycle. that's how many days there are between the first day of your period and the first day of you NEXT period (it's usually around a month, but it can be less or more)
now that you know how long your cycle is, draw yourself something like this (the amount of boxes is the amount of days in your cycle). for the sake of this thread, we will be using a 28-day cycle as our example
let's say your period started TODAY, june 23rd. that is day 1 of your cycle, so you should do this (first pic) and let's say your period lasted 5 days, then you should complete it like so (second pic) (bottom row are the days of your CYCLE and top row are the days of the MONTH)
now to find out the period where you are FERTILE (which means you can get pregnant if you have sex within this period of time), you will need to go back 14 days from the end of your cycle (it's ALWAYS 14 days NO MATTER HOW LONG YOUR CYCLE IS)
so if your cycle is 28 days, 28-14=14, so you will ovulate on day 14 (OF YOUR CYCLE). if your cycle is 31 days, 31-14=17, so you ovulate on day 17 and so on. but this example is a 28-day cycle so let's stick to this
so now that you have your ovulation date, you can find your fertility period. an egg cell will live 12-24 hours BUT!!! sperm cells can survive inside your vagina 3-5 days, so you're gonna be fertile from 3 days before ovulation until 1 day after ovulation, like so:
so with this you can find out if you're pregnant with ANY regular cycle by just checking if you had sex within those fertile days (BLUE AND PURPLE). if you had sex on your period or on a GREY day, you will most likely NOT be pregnant unless it was really close to those blue dates
i hope this helps if this was something you didn't know/understand!!

PS: having sex on an infertile day is NOT a contraceptive method. you should ALWAYS have protected sex (no matter your gender and your sexuality)
(sorry for any typos i made)
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