My husband and I just did an online magazine about black marriage and entrepreneurship. We really had to sit and reflect on what we’ve built so far after the interview.
One thing we’ve always had was a solid friendship. We were friends for awhile before I even entertained us dating. Marriage wasn’t even in my mind. I was never that girl that dreamed of the big wedding. I just wanted to be successful, get money & be an auntie. 🤣 (life is funny)
You HAVE to take time and be single without looking. Like immerse yourself in self growth & if it’s for you, it will come. Don’t idolize everything online. I’m a huge advocate for self love, going to therapy & finding out your calling before entertaining a committed relationship
My husband definitely came in and shifted my perspective. He saw I was ambitious and he matched that. We’ve been built a business together. It has NOT been easy but it’s worth it. Marriage is WORK. It’s something you truly have to work at day in and day out.
You won’t know until you find out but it’s the truth. People see the photos, the trips, the dates etc & it’s cute & all but its a challenge, a good one. In the same sense it’s beautiful if both people are in it for the long haul. I wouldn’t trade finding my soulmate for the world
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