The depiction of Donkey in Shrek has always made me uncomfortable. Shrek is a white man and has only been played by white men (Bway + Tours). Shrek is the leading man in the story. Shrek makes decisions. Shrek has an emotional arc. Shrek is smart. Shrek is emotionally complex.
Donkey is black. No debate there. Donkey is a caricature. Donkey has no depth. Donkey is emotionally underdeveloped and doesn’t understand Shrek’s complexity. Donkey is essentially Shrek’s pet. Donkey depends on Shrek for everything. Donkey is quite literally… AN ASS.
Sounds very white savioryyy to me. Sounds very degrading to me. Sounds like blackness through a white lens TO ME. Not to mention the multiple allusions to slavery and racial stereotypes in the movie… that’s a whole other story.
Now, theatre is for white people. They are the ones buying the tickets. So something about a theatre full of white people seeing this and not thinking anything of it, does not sit right with me. In conclusion, Donkey in Shrek makes me uncomfortable.
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