At my last job I had a stalker for roughly 8 months. She wouldn't get fabric cut or measured by anyone except me, she had roughly 50 bolts for me to cut each time she came in. She'd go to the store every day and stay for hours if i was there, she would leave if I wasn't.
She convinced customers that she worked there with how well she knew our system/policies. One day she had her husband come in with her, and he started joking about murdering me when my shift ended that day. Before I graduated last semester, she found out what college I went to +
enrolled in all of the classes I was in. I told my managers as she progressively got more and more personal information of mine(my social media accounts, my phone number which they had publicly posted on the door outside of the classroom, etc.) and they said they couldn't do
anything to help or protect me because she "hadn't done anything yet" and I didn't have "physical proof" despite the fact she was messaging me multiple times a day, every day, for 8 months, and almost following me home after every shift.
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