Rural life during covid means and we greet every animal intenseley every day in lieu of talking to neighbors (who are very far away). If we haven’t seen a squirrel for a few days, we ask if they’d been out of town. We frequently ask rabbits if they’re headed to the office.
Yesterday I asked a chipmunk how the move was going, after I saw her drag a bunch of seeds across the road. I waved at a gopher snake then later my husband how he rudely had not waved back. The hummingbirds are edgy teens who skateboard up behind us too fast when we are on a walk
I try to be chill with all the lizards in my hood but they are much cooler than me so I usually just say what’s up and keep it moving. I thought I knew my hawk neighbor’s name but then two identical hawks flew by together and omg I’ve been calling both the same name. Mortified.
This morning a bird landed on our bedroom window and my husband said “Good morning bird” then he raised his eyebrows at me and said “You can’t say good morning to the bird?” This is 100% a real convo that happened in our home and you know what? He was right. Good morning Bird.
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