Stop the Mental slavery, it's affecting us💔

1. Seeing a lady in an all-back sexy dress
D West: You look so beautiful
Africans: This girl is useless, she's a prostitute

2. Imitiating a Star
D West: Wow, you're very talented
Africans: Stop doing copy fool, zero talent

3. Emergency Matters: There's a shooting at Pete's street.

Westerners: my family lives there, am calling the cops😟. Nobody should go down there. Y'all b careful

Africans: Where exactly?🙄 I live around there i no hear any shooting😏. Show me d video🤡 Are u there presently?🤔
4. Celebrity Surgeries:
D West: You're looking so curvy and better. Nickie's shape💰. Coca cola bottle is not so curve as you😍Diva. Mamasita💟. sweet in the middle🍉

Africans: Oloriburuku🤡, ashewo, oloshi, oniranu, you've gone to end your life🙄. We'll be here you see ur end💔
5. Career Support:
D West: Keep it up👏. Believe and you can do a lot more better💪. You're good, how are you planning on upgrading?😊

Africans: You can not make it with this penny stuff, jara e. My dog can draw better. Oga, you better drop music and go learn capentry. Rubbish🤧
6. Marriage Plan:
D West: I must plan properly and wisely because i don't wanna depend on my man for my convieniencies😌, it will slow him down.😞

Africans: I can't date a man that is not financially stable🤑. I can't be yours if your don't own a house or car🤩. Am not cheap😏
7. Pregnancy Delay and Barrennes
D West: Try boosting your hormones⏫. Try and visit your doctor or another better doctor. Stop smoking for now🚭. You can adopt🥰.

Africans: She has bursted her womb😏. her womd don perforated. Mother in-law is a witch🧙‍♀️. Marry another wife👂
These mentalities are affecting us seriously, it's downgrading our growth and covering our sight to see the greater good in lesser people around us. Let's stop demoting our values, your neglection and abuse can ruin a future potential but your kindness will push a lot. Thank U.💟
Please Follow me @AM_Mazzing and i'll follow back asap 💟.. Thank you in advance.
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