I’m one of the artistic team. This week I was told I’ll likely be made redundant. I asked what the prospects were for me being rehired in any capacity further down the line. The response was that any new hires would be unlikely, possibly for up to two years. 1/? https://twitter.com/mrJamesGraham/status/1275382839362674689
I’m from a working class background. It took me a really, really long time to get my foot in the door of the theatre industry. I worked so hard, and even then it only came together thanks to a bursary placement from @JerwoodArts 2/?
I feel bereft. There’s no funding available, so making my own work is nigh on impossible for a while. Most other theatre organisations are in a similar positions in terms of redundancies and won’t be hiring either. I have no idea where to go. 3/?
I can’t see any way of remaining in the industry. I don’t have savings. I don’t have a safety net or a family home I can go back to. And now, thanks to my landlord responding to my message about redundancy by telling me she was increasing my rent, I don’t have a home. 4/?
I’m not posting for pity. I’m trying to highlight what people mean when they talk about the impact C-19 will have on diversity in theatre. It’s working class people who will have to move on. It’s black people. It’s Asian people. It’s disabled people. It’s LGBTQ+ people. 5/?
The upper/middle classes who’ve held the positions of power in theatre for so long will continue to do so. And we’ll have to fight our way back in all over again.
When this is over venues will still be operating on skeleton staff. 6/?
It’s not a case of waiting it out for a couple of months and hoping for the best. This is the situation for a long, long time I think. I can’t tread water waiting & hoping for years. Some time soon I’ll have to accept that I need a new career. 7/?
I’ll be starting back at square one, competing with hundreds of others who also lost jobs. Who knows if I’ll get another break? I don’t know if I have the energy to fight that hard for it again. 8/?
I spent two years working full time at a bar and volunteering in theatre when I could before this role. Basically working two full time jobs. It was exhausting. 9/?
There’s also the issue of me being older, so no longer eligible for many of the ‘emerging’ programmes - which incidentally very rarely do anything to support those wanting to work in back stage roles. 10/?
There’s no government support package in sight so this is going to keep happening. Our venue is one of the first wave of redundancies, but it’s not going to be the last. So screw @OliverDowden You’ve left it too late. The arts are going to be decimated. 11/?
I don’t blame the theatre. They didn’t have a choice, with no income and no government support they can’t keep all their staff. Reopening is unlikely before Christmas, so that’s millions in lost income. And audiences won’t spring back in the same numbers when we do reopen. 12/?
I don’t have any solutions really. I’m just a bit sad and tired. I know I’m in a position of privilege in comparison to many. I can’t even imagine the impact this will have on some, especially the freelancers who have been struggling this whole time. 13/?
If you’re in a position of influence/power try to look after those who need it, or the arts are going to lose them. And we’ll all be poorer for it.
When this is over hire from outside your usual bubbles. Take chances on those with different experience to your usual hires. 14/?
And give people room to develop and learn, don’t always expect a finished product. Cos let’s face it, in the arts finished products are often the result of many unpaid roles or accepting less pay than you’re worth. That shouldn’t be the norm, or the usual way in. 15/?
I hope this is just a temporary setback. But staying upbeat is tough at the moment.
If any rich benefactors fancy giving me money, or better still, an actual job I’d be all for it! 16/?
I do admin, stage management, basic tech, little bit of production management.
Any signposts to opportunities or support would be much appreciated too!
Solidarity with all of my arts pals.
I should also say that I wouldn’t have gotten to where I am without the endless support of the artistic team. They’re all amazing - @dwprescott, @DHadedas, @LouiseSchumann, @Jon__Nash and of course Super Hugh! (And @BenLyonRoss1, even if you’re not technically in artistic!) ❤️
You can follow @lozzF_W.
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