Let me say this in response to "What do you suggest instead?" tweets. Twitter is not structured for answering complex social questions. I have written books, as have many others, and organizers do the work every day. You won't get a few sentence answer to massive problems.
Two of my books deal explicitly with centuries long injustice. That's where my offerings to getting to a better world are. Vexy Thing: On Gender and Liberation and More Beautiful and More Terrible: The Embrace and Transcendence of Racial Inequality. Many libraries have copies.
Twitter provides useful space for prompts to think with, to draw attention to ideas, resources, materials, organizations, and for some dialogue, but it is not a zone for careful study. And I refuse to pretend otherwise.
And let me be VERY clear: of course I want to sell books like anyone else. But for *me* the cause of liberation is not about book sales and never will be. Hence my mention of libraries. The ideas are the important part, not the size of the royalty checks.
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