First of all, this guy claims he had the right of way coming in from the merge lane (???) and that this woman had to swerve to get out of his way. I would’ve flipped him off too. Seems like he sneaks the racist allegation in there to justify following her and filming her.
Then he claims she followed him first, but he admits she ended up in front of him after the incident and “cut him off.” So she ended up behind him again somehow?
Oh and there’s conveniently a “witness” to her following him. Who is right next to where this woman lives. Was she following him or just driving home when this guy decided to pull off the road and make a scene?
This whole thing is sketchy and there is no proof this woman ever said anything racial to him (which would’ve been near impossible to hear if she was driving in front of him as he claims).
Sounds to me like this guy was driving like an asshole and didn’t like when this woman flipped him off, so he decided to turn it into a racial incident for clout and terrified this woman by following her home and filming it for the internet to see where she lives. Deranged.
Ah and of course this guy films “racist” incidents all the time for his podcast/YouTube but never manages to produce the evidence!!
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