SQL Server 2019 Big Data Clusters CU5 is here, it supports Red Hat OpenShift Container platform, but why is this important . . .
1. If you work in any type of regulated industry, you can only run commercially supported software in production.

2. OpenShift provides a full PaaS experience, S2I => the ability to compile software with images as an end product, ImageStream simplifies image management,
it comes with a built in registry, you run it on Red Hat Core OS => integration and support all the way up the stack, and much much more
3. Red Hat acquired CoreOS and therefore have pedigree when it comes to the Kubernetes ecosystem, etcd was invented by CoreOS, flannel, the first software defined overlay network for Kubernetes also came out of Core OS.
In short CU5 opens up the use of SQL Server 2019 Big Data Clusters to a whole bunch of sectors that were not able to run it before.
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