For me personally, the irony about the "trans women are male predators preying on women" garbage is that before transition, I turned down sex with more women than the number of women I've ever had sex with because of how uncomfortable I always was about sex as a man.
I only knew I was an attractive guy because of the way women would approach me. All I saw in the mirror or photos was a blob of disgust. I've only been sexually intimate w/a handful of women, almost all of which I had years-long relationships with.

But I never could court them…
I never did respond the way they expected. I didn't know how to because my mimicry of "man stereotypes” didn’t include courting women. Their advances always made me uneasy. I know they blamed themselves every time I would say no (rejection hurts), but honestly, IT WAS ME.
Long story short, to wake up and start living in a body that's more comfortable for me, that feels like mine, and to begin awakening my healthy sexuality as a woman, only to be encountered by folks screaming I'm a predator is really fucking weird. That's honestly the whole point.
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