I was recently asked to share Alec's story on video for the JDRF Power of US event, after thinking long and hard I agreed to participate. I was asked to write my story in 250 words or less. I submitted my story and included the fact that JDRF and ADA stayed silent
during the MNinsulin4all fight for Alec's bill. I submitted my story and received an email back with the script that they wanted my to do for their video. They completely rewrote my story, censored my story and removed all the parts of my story about being an #insulin4all
advocate and the Charity Ambassador for T1International. They turned our story into a JDRF advocacy story. Needless to say after reading their revised script I declined the offer to participate. Alec's death has turned me into an advocate for affordable and accessible insulin4all
and I am proud to be an advocate with T1International. Not once has JDRF ever supported our efforts, not once have they offered their voice at the MN state capital, not once did they write to our legislators supporting the Alec Smith Affordable Insulin Bill. I cannot and will not
support an organization who is in bed with PHARMA. I truly thought by participating I could show that using your voice can and does make a difference, I thought I could show people that grassroots advocacy works, I did NOT sign up to partner with JDRF or for them to misrepresent
me or our work as JDRF advocates. I will continue to share with everyone and anyone my opinions on JDRF and the ADA. #insulin4all #LongLiveAl #makeinsulinaffordableagain
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