Be aware of @HungrrrFood They've had the LB order and money for a Hungrrr app for all our venues since early/mid May. Missed deadlines, constantly swapping points of contact and today told they're not going to have the app done on time as promised. Now looking for an alternative.
@UKHospKate 1/ As an owner of a number of North Lancs and South Cumbria hospitality venues I feel it’s important to highlight the impressive work from @LancasterCC in their management of licensed venues in the Covid-19 era. Their patch is well run and safe. They’ve dedicated
2/resources, worked in tandem with other agencies and ensured standards are excellent. Morecambe Bay is a safe place to drink, dine and socialise. However... I have serious concerns about other regions. I’ve personally witnessed venues operating as if there’s no pandemic.
3/ No contact tracing, zero social distancing, bars jam-packed with vertical drinkers. These venues are threatening the health of every one of their customers and the families of their customers. Furthermore they’re profiteering on the back of the properly run, professional
4/ establishments who are genuinely striving to adhere to every rule and decimating their P&L at the same time. However... these places are being allowed to run roughshod over the rules by a lack of consistent oversight by the authorities.
5/ The Govt has been remiss in allowing completely different standards to be set across the U.K. Some areas being well run, others running riot. So it’s no surprise to me to see pubs back in the line of fire. U.K. Govt - create a level playing field. Reduce the risks
6/ to the general public. Remove pubs, bars and restaurants from the narrative that we are part of the problem. It’s entirely doable, it just requires the political will to establish standards. Lets strive to ensure that the massive majority of amazing British pubs, restaurants
7/ and bars are not locked down and ruined by the minority. We must work towards no longer being in any lurid newspaper headline. We have the rules, we just need consistent, pragmatic and proper enforcement. End of thread.
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