Okay so we are gonna say this.

If you block us and we happen to stumble across your account and see you blocked us. You. Will. Be. Blocked. Back.

We have been stalked on twitter and the person who did blocked us but decided to use that fancy 'view tweets' button. So yeah....
Also if you make us uncomfortable in any way. This can be from the content you post to what you support. We will either soft block or hard block depending.

We mostly do that for the younger alters and littles in the system who don't know better and will like/look at anything
This is not us being mean. But us trying to creat a safe space for ourselves online. We have gone through a lot and we want to feel safe WHILE posting our art and being happy on our socials.

We are sensitive and have lots of trauma that effects us. We don't need to be scared-
Everytime we come online. We don't want to worry about people stalking us or our other socials. We aren't vaguing anyone. We just wanted to say this because it was an issue recently brought up.

Anyways if you read this thread, thank you. 😀
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