Refuse to hate. Reject it outright. Where it’s infected us, let’s repent of it & ask God to replace hostility with compassion. The natural defense to a hateful world is to become hateful people but Jesus said they’d know us by our love. These brutal days are taking a toll on us.
We can differ, disagree & debate without hate. The great commission is not go ye therefore and destroy one another. So much of what is spewing from our mouth is erupting from our fears. We don’t have to take our fears out on one another or our enemies. We can take them to Jesus.
I don’t know about you but I’m having to pause on a regular basis for a heart check. Like many of you, I have strong convictions & they’re coming, as clearly as I know to discern, from the Lord Jesus through Scripture. Trying to honor Him but if I hate my brother, all is in vain.
Anyway, God bless y’all today.
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