23/06 Scottish Coronavirus briefing thread.
Will NS have anything important to tell us today or will it be just another opportunity to proclaim from the podium?
Yesterday, there was one clear moment where she was uncomfortable.
A journo asked when exactly she knew they would make U-turn on beer gardens, considering they only told the industry with 1-day notice. Flustered, she said 'ah ahah a week, no I'm not sure, a few days" & then blustered about why lockdown was important. Will they push her on this?
I have an image of her sprinting through the corridors of Holyrood to make sure she reached the podium before Boris.
We are getting a 'SNP History of Lockdown' here. We've lived through it. We know what happened!
We're getting more detail tomorrow ahead of schedule. NS says that even 2 days ago she didn't think it would be possible? Nothing has changed in two days from a science perspective surely?
School Leavers can take part in an Online Skills Academy. Will need to take a look at that before I comment.
"We are still taking a cautious approach. Our aim remains maximum suppression of this virus"
Well, actually the original purpose of lockdown was to 'protect the NHS' which morphed into the suppression of the virus longer-term.
NS says evidence says 2m will stay for now, but they will announce advice on 1m by July 2nd, 2 days before the changes come into play in England.
This F.A.C.T.S thing is not cutting through.
1st Q: UK Gov expected to move to 1m based on scientific advice, is it inevitable that Scotland will too. Doesn't waiting until 2nd July make it more difficult to plan for schools and businesses?
The answer she won't give is, absolutely yes, this will be a nightmare for Scottish businesses. There is nothing more important than clarity. She will say she is waiting for the science.
She says they haven't seen the UK advice on 1m? Incredible if true! Why not? Have we just stopped working together? This claim needs investigating.
NS thinks it is worth making businesses wait until she is satisfied that 1m is appropriate. I'm sure Scottish businesses would be happy enough with the advice of some of the most learned people in the UK on this subject!
Did NS and the SNP govt ask for the scientific advice from England? If not, why not? Is she saying she asked for it but it was refused? I find that unlikely. If she isn't asking for that advice, she is remiss.
The sign language girl captures my feelings on this well
NS moves on to talk about schools and this calls for 'earnest hands'.
She's talking about what will happen in schools if they move to 1m distancing. It seems obvious to me that they have already decided to go to 1m, but they don't want to announce until July 2nd for political reasons. Businesses can just wait.
Q2. SNPTV oops I mean STV TV
What level would the 'R' rate have to be before NS is comfortable with reducing to 1m distancing?
She won't answer that. Useless questions. She'll say she is waiting for the science.
She's waiting for the science. Well done SNP TV, another wasted opportunity and a gift for Our Lady of Perpetual Grievance.
Gregor is being allowed to speak! I thought he was a mannequin there for a moment.
The R number is less relevant in social distancing apparently. When did that happen?
Actually, he is like the boring priest from Father Ted. His voice is so....incredibly....boring.
Q3. Finally, a care home question. Someone lost their wife of 55 years and he wants to know why. Rightly so. Still not even 50% of residents and staff are being tested!
NS says the promise to test care home staff and residents is 'ongoing'. What is so hard about this? The latest figures on this will be published tomorrow.
I don't doubt that NS 'feels a sense of sorrow' over those lost in care homes but that's not enough. They need to get a grip of this issue now.
This is utter BS. She is calling hindsight on this one and it's a weak argument. It should have been clear to all but the most intellectually challenged that putting people into care homes from hospitals would spread the virus to the most vulnerable.
A little insight into her psyche there. She said 'I think it's important that people like me are not defensive about this"
A line straight from a briefing meeting if ever I heard one.
NS says 'I want to know what went wrong".
I can tell her.
They discharged people from hospitals into care homes without testing them.
Q4. Shopping Centre operators INTU have called in the administrators. 1000s of jobs are at risk inc Braehead. Is NS concerned? Would ScotGov step in to save them?
She won't say. I didn't expect her to. Another wasted question. This Group will have been directly affected by the SNP's tardy approach to retail opening.
The indoor retail sector is absolutely f**cked in Scotland, excuse the language. They can't carry on for much longer. Making them wait until July 2nd before they can plan for 1m is negligent.
Q5. Why is this journo asking what will have to come into force in order to get down to 1m? We know what she will say. Another pointless question.
I honestly can't even be bothered tweeting her answer. You all know what it is. Yes, folks, she will be following the science.
She again says "I haven't seen UK Gov advice and nor should I have expected to". This is Nattery of the highest order. She is distancing herself as if Scotland is already a separate country, even if that means they miss out on crucial scientific advice.
Q6. Testing in schools. Details?
Are our kids going to be tested twice a week?
Surely not? This would be invasive and distressing.
Q6. Bus drivers raising concerns who were told not to challenge people not wearing facemasks and will we see policemen patrolling buses?
NS says it is 'mandatory' and 'fixed penalty notices' can be issued. They won't be though. Stagecoach is not going to enforce it and neither are the police.
NS is talking about responsibility now and how we must all act to protect others by wearing masks.
She seemed more concerned about confidentiality after the Nike conference than protecting others at the start of this outbreak.
Q7. Survey of Tourism Alliance says 1/3 of hotels not opening because of 2m rule and 85% of restaurants will stop trading.
The 2nd July is two weeks away. They won't survive the wait.
NS says 'I don't have a vested interest. I just want to do the best thing'
Why in the world would you not be asking for the best scientific advice available in the world today then, from England?
The answer is because political considerations appear to be taking precedence.
Oh a Journo is asking my question. Why hasn't she seen the scientific advice from England considering we are still the UK?
Haha she is seriously flustered here:
"eh eh maybe I was being polite, maybe Gregor has spoken to the other CMO". Says Gove gave them a steer. Wants to keep politics out of it. I think it's clear. They haven't asked. I will email Gove later and see if he answers.
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