I can’t say that I’ve ever experienced overt racism but living in the UK has been microagressions galore. One story in particular always comes to mind. Here goes another thread! #BlackInAstro
Picture this. I’m in a small seminar group with 11 other students and 2 lecturers. Most times I got to the morning session at 9am on the dot because um that’s the time it starts? Lmaooo
Most people came a few minutes before 9 so me and another guy were always the last to arrive. It was noticeable because it was a small group and the door had a security code thingy so someone had to let you in.
Anyway I convinced myself that I wasn’t late so it didn’t matter but it did make me uncomfortable. So after the first couple weeks I decided I would aim for at least 8:55 just to avoid being one of the last. Those first 2 weeks I wore my hair in an afro puff similar to my dp*
*This is important for the next part of the story LOL. So it’s week 3 and I get there a few minutes before 9 like the rest of the group and I’m feeling so accomplished. One of the lecturers let me in and I sit and wait for the “late” comers
At 9, the second lecturer says “is everyone here?” The lecturer WHO LET ME IN says “Cheyenne and [the other guy] aren’t here yet.” And the way it rolled off her tongue, it was like she already expected me to be “late” even if we’d only had a few sessions by that point.
So everyone’s looking at her and then looking to me confused as hell cuz my melanin and I are sitting right there at a ROUND table. Fun fact: I had cornrows that week instead of a puff. So someone told her “Cheyennes here🙂” and you know what she says?
“Oh I didn’t recognise you because your hair is different” Cornrows. No extensions. No dye. Just cornrows. And remember this was out of 12 students and AFTER SHE LET ME IN. There was awkward silence for a bit and the other lecturer started the session😂
I wasn’t offended, I was just shocked. I’ve settled on the possibility that maybe she was embarrassed and just said the first thing that came to her mind. But she could have just apologised for her mistake without trying to justify it with my hair being different🥴
I’ve heard stories from my black friends about not being recognised when they change their hair. But I was the only black woman in that seminar and as a matter of fact, the only black woman in the entire year group. So it’s just like who else would it be?! #BlackInAstro
There was a black guy in that seminar as well and when we left, even after almost an hour had passed, we both just looked at each other like
A few of the other students mentioned it afterwards too and I was like okay I’m not the only one who thought that was weird and quite frankly bs 😂 I know changing your hair can drastically change your look but this just wasn’t one of those situations
I know people’s race-related experiences could be far worse than this but it’s just one of the many situations where I’ve felt uncomfortable just for being me. And there’s nothing I can do about it because it’s literally my skin and the way my hair grows naturally #BlackInAstro
I’m SO proud of my blackness, especially my hair! But I can empathise with all the black people who have tried to change themselves for the sake of avoiding these uncomfortable situations and just wanting to fit in #BlackInAstro
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