Islam this and Islam that but look at the Muslim world and our communities. We need "feminism" that is grounded on Islamic principles and spirit - to counter the misogynist attitudes prevalent in our societies. Just because Islam is complete in theory doesn't mean we practice it
Imagining using the anti-radical feminist arguments against the feminism we see in Eastern societies.

Eastern societies need a dose of feminism. The healthy pro-women pro-life kind of feminism. Don't use arguments against third and fourth wave feminism against Eastern feminism
In most if not all Eastern societies a girl cannot even walk alone for 100m across a busy street without fear

In what Western society is this the case?

People are too dumb enough to conflate all kinds of feminism into some man-hating ideology when your own societies are messed
A large part of the worldwide feminist movement championed the

>> right to vote
>> right to hold office
>> right to own property
>> domestic violence issues
>> rape violence issues
>> workplace rights
>> reproductive rights
>> legal equality

Don't conflate & simplify feminism
Of course western feminism strains of the 21st century may have some anti-Islamic ideals ~ but that doesn't mean you get to be a hypocrite enjoying modern freedoms while bashing the entire thing.

It's like bashing Islam because of the actions of tyrannical Muslim regimes & orgs
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