One thing I've been saying is that a permanent #GC WFH model benefits Gen X/Boomer employees while completely ignoring the rental and housing crisis Millennials/Zoomers are facing. WFH in a 400 sq ft apartment or w/ 2-3 other roommates sharing the internet 7h/day isn't gonna work
It would also mean rethinking our transit system that's built around ferrying employees from the suburbs to downtown, as well as fairly reimbursing and equipping employees for overhead costs of work and with ergonomic setups.
It also means the #GoC needs to heavily deep dive into GBA+. How many abusive relationships will become worse? What about women working full time and still having to act as a parent or caretaker? What about persons with disabilities? Are their spaces equipt for WFH?
At least while most people are out of the office, the NCR GoC buildings should be worked on to replace carpets, air ducts, water pipes, fix elevators, and install better accessibility measures so that when employees have to return or choose to return their office is safer.
You can follow @saramcgillivray.
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