Just being struck by the fact that while I meant to do some physics blogging this month, I've done none, and June is almost over. This is partly because I had other obligations that ate up my writing time, but honestly, the news-y topics have just been kind of dispiriting.
I mean, we're going to have another go-round with a maybe-hint of a possibly-a-new-particle that's probably-a-statistical-fluke? Another round of "Should we spend billions on another accelerator"? Just f*&king shoot me and get it over with.
And then there are evergreen topics like interpretations of quantum mechanics, which I find exhausting because there are people who REALLY care about this and are READY TO GO at the turn of a phrase, and I just don't find those fights compelling at that level.
Or there's the ever-popular "Is philosophy important for science?" which is a wonderful topic for lowering my opinion of both scientists and philosophers. Just knock me over the head and throw me off a bridge.
I'm not saying these aren't important topics, mind, or that there aren't interesting conversations to be had about them. I'm just saying that I'M not interested in having those conversations AGAIN. I've said my piece, and don't see much value in saying it again.
And, of course, there's the background of not-science news, which continues to be a bundle of accumulated misery, which mostly just raises the ambient angst level while lowering my opinion of nearly everyone.
So, it's been a solid month of "Oh, what's the f*&king point?" whenever I start to think about writing a blog post.
Which is not to say that I haven't been writing stuff-- I've been making decent progress on the book-in-progress, and had some fun with a couple of other not-blogging projects. It's just blog writing specifically that fills me with Meh.
Anyway, this thread was prompted by the realization that my login to the back end at Forbes has timed out, and I don't remember what I changed the password to back in May.
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