Having an all exclusive muslim club on twitter is a double edged sword & risks alienation of muslims if not comprehended properly. Could be seen by our adversaries as an effort by the minority to gang up against em, when it isn't the case https://twitter.com/ballisticbhai/status/1275076990257606657
The primary goal is not to create a separate entity, but to boost the morale of already crestfallen muslim and to inculcate a healthy behaviour in our youth, with a notion that Islam is for the muslims to follow and it's non-bindinding to people of other faith.
It is more like an affiliation of like minded people and not a consolidation against anyone except for the oppression.
We want to be a part of an umbrella that doesn't divide people intra nor Inter-religiously.
Unfortunately for us, IMT has alienated itself from the majority
& now it is seen disenfranchising it's own people.

let's talk about the contribution of IMT towards the Muslim cause.

Some of them have done really good journalism, excellent takes on regime and it's misdeeds. Not only was it thought provoking but also witty and funny at times
Naturally, It emboldened our youth to start writing. It catalysed the transformation of a whiny cub into a full roaring Lion.
But soon, IMT started behaving like a huge circus, the people at the helm as ringmasters and the beasts turned into Circus cats.
In the beginning, many non-Muslim brothers/Sisters stood shoulder to shoulder with Muslims on twitter in solidarity against oppression, since a majority of them is not sanghi Minded and is very fair.
It was a good start till the ego of one man derailed the whole Caravan.
To settle a personal grudge against a non-Muslim this muslim man alienated a huge non muslim supporter base to the Muslim cause away.
His justification is that they are all RSS moles and they were required to be exposed. The reason for this ostracization was that they were
covertly gathering personal & ID information from our anonymous muslim handles & passing them on to the IT cells & to other Sanghi stake holders (called as Doxxing) so that these muslim voices can be muzzled down into silence and subsequently paving way for an endless harassment
Let's call these covert operatives as munafiqs (Hypocrites{Arabic}) for the time being.
But the remedy was simple. Sensitising our youth about doxxing and explain to them risks of sharing info. even with our most trusted people.
Did IMT sensitise muslims about doxxing publicly?
The other great ACHIEVEMENT claimed by the IMT is exposing the true face of the liberals. From what I know, they claim that the "Libbus" or "Libbu gang" is a gang of Wolves in a sheep's clothing, who instead of putting the onus on the regime, keeps questioning Muslim's patriotism
hence they're Sanghi mouthpieces. Let's assume these too are Munafiq for the time being.

If these two groups of Munafiqs, or even one of them is not actually what they declare them to be, It's a mistake of an epic proportions.And if they are what IMT calls them,
Then we need to have a strategy and mechanisms in place to identify such people and keep exposing them. Exposing them doesn't mean we have to name, shame and harass them, because we are not yet sure if it's a hypocrite.
We can do it by asking them some important questions.
Those distinguishing questions & let their own responses separate the wheat from the shaff.
For instance, To know for sure that someone behind a handle is a dog (in a parallel universe) you ask it how he prefers to pass urine. If it's on a pole/post with it's one hind leg raised
Then we know for sure it's a dog. If it fails this test, we go for another characteristic like Barking, sense of smell and so on. Keep asking the right questions and let the onlookers judge for themselves, without having to call anyone any name.
We could simply ask them to shun their behaviour as it identifies with the oppressors. It leaves a room to the person to rectify the mistakes, if the person is sincere.
Hypocrisy is a serious threat. So, let's see how Rasoolullah SAW and His Companions dealt with hypocrites.
Abdullah bin Ubai was a leader of Munafiqeen (Hypocrites), who had harmed muslims and Islam like no one has ever done. When he died his son Abdullah RA who was a muslim came to Allah's Apostle and asked him to give him his shirt in order to shroud his father in it.
Rasulullah SAW gave it to him and then 'Abdullah asked the Prophet to offer the funeral prayer for his father. Allah's Apostle got up to offer the funeral prayer for him but Umar got up too and got hold of the garment of Allah's Apostle and tried to stop the Prophet.
But the Prophet Lead the prayers invariably Sahabah RA AJMAEEN (Companions of The Prophet SAW) followed the suit. Later Allah SWT prohibited it completely to pray for the munafiqeen.
I always used to wonder what made the Prophet SAW lead the funeral prayer of a hypocrite?
Its was something so obvious that even Sahabah didn't agree to praying till the prophet lead the prayers and Umar RA's stand was immediately endorsed by Qur'an. Scholars say that it was due to the immense respect Allah has for his Prophet SAW that Allah let Him pray.
Then he revealed the Ayah.
My quest for the Prophet's wisdom behind offering the funeral prayer of a munafiq was recently annswered by a scholar who said that it was a brilliant move by our Prophet. Abdullah bin Ubai was a leader of approximately 5000 people, mainly confused ppl
Prophet SAW automatically became the leader of that now headless group, by offering the prayer. Had he declined, those people would have left the Prophet and Islam too, taking this as a mark of disrespect to their bereaved leader. Later on, all of them turned true muslims.
Let's see how Sahabah dealt with hypocrisy.
Hudhaifa RA was a secret keeper of Prophet SAW. The Prophet SAW had disclosed to him the list of all the Munafiqeen and no one else knew it. During the Caliphate of Omar RA, He'd confirm the presence of Hudhaifa RA in any funeral prayer
If Hudhaifa RA attended the prayer, Omar RA would also do. If he didn't, Omar RA too wouldn't. But they did not stop others from praying nor did they declare anyone munafiq openly.
Muslims need to be wise, smart, diplomatic, pleasant, well groomed and in short appealing.
We can't behave bluntly ruthless simply because we have to be truthful. Sometimes, overlooking & "DON'T ASK DON'T TELL" serves the purpose, without having to lie.
When muslims were weak early on, Prophet SAW asked Abu Bakr RA to hide his Islam. It was not hypocrisy, it was wisdom
We need to connect to Islamic scholars to understand the current situation and to learn the way Allah's Apostle SAW handled any given situation.
His guidance is here with us

Now compare Islamic principles, Seerat e Mubarak to what IMT is doing and you'd know where they're erring
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