Yes, i love mewgulf.
Yes, I'm an ally ✊🏳️‍🌈
Yes, i believe in mewgulf in love with each other

But no, i don't want to declare or claim they are dating. Unless they confirm it by themselves.
And yes, we exist.

Why? Because sometimes such thoughts can delude you and can make you become too obsessed with someone's else life. I don't want to be that person.
Having rational and realistic view on something should not makes me a hater or a solo stan. Just because I have different opinions doesn't mean I don't support them being together or become homophobic.
There's different way to stan and support my idol/favorite actors. To me the boundary between me and their personal life is clear, to give respect. I will do shipping stuff but -
I don't bluntly put my thoughts and perspective on everything they are doing. If they are good and comfortable with each other, I'm happy for them. If they are dating, hooray. But even if they're not, i will still support them 💕😊🙌
Sometimes it's nice if you don't just criminalize minority or making it a bad thing to have different opinions. To my moots, i respect your choice and thoughts and will try my best to respect that.
Your opinion matters and if it contradicts mine, i hope that we can still be friends and find our middle ground despite our differences.
I do not intend to offend anyone here with this thread just sharing a piece of mind because I feel like some people like me are being labeled for having different perspective.
Have a good night 💫🤧✊
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