I wasn't originally planning on purchasing #TheLastofUsPartII until I could better afford it when it went on sale, as COVID has affected my job & finances in a big way. But incel reviewers made me want to support the devs. Now that I've played it, some thoughts: 1/
Also, this thread will contain spoilers. Just a heads up before you proceed. 2/
To start, the idea that #TheLastofUsPartII tries too hard to be "woke" and catering to "SJW"s is so fucking stupid I don't even know where to begin. Why would it be woke? Well, the answer is quite clear! 3/
You see, it's bad enough to incels and red pill losers to have one woman as the featured lead in a video game, but to have TWO women with featured story leads, and NOT a man?! WOKE! I've seen "player" reviews cite this as a demonstration of "man-hating" too. 4/
But what really gets the tighty whities bunched up on top of this is the fact that one of those leads is a character that just ain't interested in dick. So that's of course WOKE! They've been crying about this since Left Behind, and the first big Part II trailer. 5/
There's one moment in the very beginning of the game where Ellie's sexuality is attacked by some dude, and Joel apparently got into an off-screen scuffle over it. Quite literally the only thing you could say is any attempt to be "woke" and it's a stupid one at that. 6/
[Major plot point spoiler coming in the next tweet(s)] 7/
These dorks have also been trying to sabotage and ruin the success of this game because some shithead decided to leak that Joel dies in the game. This has been cited by many losers as further evidence of man-hating, SJW catering. Any take parallel to this is dumb as fuck. 8/
Joel being killed in the game isn't just a thing that happens just for it to happen. It's literally what the entire plot of the game is based on, and it makes for what is fantastic storytelling in the game. If you don't understand how then you're dumb as fuck. 9/
But the overwhelming amount of negative reviews the game is getting from "players" are no doubt from idiots who didn't even play the game. They've been pissy over Ellie being gay for years now, and it's amplified by the fact that Joel dies. Get the fuck over yourselves. 10/
These are red pill pedophiles who have been jerking off to 14-year-old Ellie since the first game so much that they can't accept a universe that they both would exist in, because it would mean she's not going to be into their penises, which also happen to be micro-sized. 11/
These are red pill misogynists who think the idea of 2 female leads and no male lead, means "man-hating" despite the fact that games have had multiple male leads without a female lead for decades but somehow aren't "woman-hating". 12/
If you liked the original game, you will like the sequel. It's a great story, the controls are familiar and great, the graphics and game mechanics got bumped up in quality, and it's a long, fun experience. It's worth the $60, and fits every acclaimed critique you'll read. 13/13
These crybabies also
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