And we're off...Philip Hillman kicks starts the @LDEProperty virtual student conference by providing a high level overview of the UK & European #StudentHousing market. #LDEstudent
Starts off by sharing that 2020 was "going so well" - Brexit had stabilised, we'd seen record student numbers and operators reporting strong returns, and then a "once in a lifetime pandemic" hit. #LDEstudent
In Short term, we have seen #PBSA operators struggle with rent collection, make decisions on refunding rental fees, occupancy issues, reputational damage to some operators the extent of which is unknown. Majority of operators have responded positively. #LDEstudent
We have seen operators "really take student wellbeing seriously" a positive of this pandemic. We've also seen uni income shortfall impacts and a heavy reliance from uni and PBSA on international students. #LDEstudent
Issues in the medium term: For 20/21, when does the year start? Will it be a virtual start? Across UK and Europe, most uni's looking at a hybrid of face 2 face and online teaching. Filling up lecture halls will not be appropriate for 20/21 #LDEstudent
"The won't have the same social experience" - Hmmm, I would say the social experience will be VASTLY different and the sector (Uni and PBSA) need to be honest in what students can expect. #LDEstudent
Construction projects across UK and Europe but good weather during lockdown has not resulted in significant delays. Some developers have said any delays wont be an issue due to late start dates. #LDEstudent
Potential for some mergers - challenges in debt markets. From Philips perspective, he is not seeing distress in market yet. #LDEstudent
Long term Issues: Long term recession, an increasing number of ppl choosing to go to uni rather than face unemployment. May also see design of student accomm in order to be covid safe. Erasmus prog is likely to suffer this year. #LDEstudent
Severity of impact depends on, start date of uni year, will there be large no. of deferrals? The no of international students and the financial stability of unis and the potential for a second covid wave. #LDEstudent
Survey undertaken by JLL outlines that PBSA operator bookings are steady and very similar to the same point last year. #LDEstudent
Discussion on international students and the impact on asian markets and our reliance on those students. London is the dominant location for where international students base themselves followed by Paris, Moscow and Manchester. #LDEstudent
JLL outline that international student mobility is growing and this will continue. Trump in particular is not encouraging students to go to the USA, as a result, Europe remains the likely destination. #LDEstudent
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