Someone who has made several racist comments and bullied me;
A thread;
This person has been continuously using astrology as a basis to judge people, putting them in the box, like a stereotype. She thinks super highly of herself and constantly thinks she is nice and always wants the best for people.
She has made awful jokes to the point of them being straight up attacks on me personally, like the way I act. I am energetic and loud, and I am very physical with my expression, and she makes me point to make sure I know that.
Since corona virus, she has made several comments about me, things like how I will get it because I’m Asian, and that she won’t because she is white. Also in every conversation, with no relation at all, she will completely change the topic to talk crap about China.
She has made me feel small and lowered my self worth. This is not the first time this has happened and she is not the first person to do this.
She has a big ego and claims she would be a good therapist because she loves helping people. But I have ever received any help from her.
When I finally confronted her during a Group FaceTime about the awful things she has said about me, my racist, and my country, she did the nice white girl inoccent face, and says in disbelief “me? How could I possibly say that!” Like she is some old Hollywood actress.
She proceeded to tell me to calm down and that “I am not going to talk to you, your adhd and depression is acting up.” This is not a joke, she knows about my depression and adhd and makes it her goal to remind me of it and to make fun of me for it.
She also bragged about her finally getting depression and finally knowing how that felt like, and acting like she is a deity down from the heavens to enlighten us with her expierence and tells us that we don’t know what it’s like to have depression.
I have in fact lived with depression and adhd since I was very small. I was ridiculed by my family for not being the girl they want to be, fat shamed until I had an ED, and continues to slut shame me now that I am to womanly. They are other people who have done the same things-
Choosing me as an easy target because I am outgoing and energetic and say stupid things. She categorizes me as stupid and incompetent, and again, makes it the vocal point whenever we do speak.
This was my response to her after AGAIN, she send a tiktok link directed at me to break down my already inexistent self worth and self esteem
She has also invalided issues (major issues) unless it is about her, because if it is about her it is completely relevant and valid.
I’m making this thread because I am really on edge. She acts the same way as another girl who does the same thing to me, says things about me and to me that pushed me to attempt suicide. This is the last time I will endure it, because I want to stand up for myself.
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