Don't really know how it happened but tonight I discovered something about myself that I never thought I overarching thread that underlies so many of the decisions, the motivations, & the moves I've made throughout my life so far...
It's not exactly new info but it is a different vantage point that I never thought to see it from before, along with this thread's effects on me good, bad, & in-between...excited yet somewhat apprehensive about this particular discovery as it is rather pervasive...
I'm not gonna get into revealing that discovery any time soon on social media or the podcast but there is a lot to process, especially in light of not just the successes but the mistakes & missteps of my past that I see now are potentially related to this...
I'm only posting about this here for my own personal sake to mark my realization of's also notable to me in that usually such discoveries can potentially transform a person's life completely, but in this case it's only explaining stuff that's (cont'd)
(Cont'd) already happened & my reactions to good & bad life events (maybe even some traumatic ones)...this thread/line of thought might change SOME things, like adding fuel to motivations towards things I want in my life and make me even double down on stuff I'm already doing...
But again, I've got a lot to process before I know how this discovery will affect me going forward in my life...for other folks, it might not add up to all that much but for me it's a back to your regularly scheduled programming...the comeback continues...
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