I’ve been “detained” five times by the police. All five times was because I was black. Once for sitting on the curb outside of a 7-11 where I worked. Cop didn’t recognize me, even tho I served that same cop coffee. Another time because I was driving my cousin’s car...
...because his windows were tinted too dark. Didn’t matter that my cousin was a state trooper and knew the regulations. But i was on the white side of Gary, coming from Costco. They took me in. Because I was acting “suspicious.” Another, time I was walking a hundred feet...
From the bookstore where i worked to a drug store. 8 cops stood to one side, one cop accused me of robbing a bank. My boss came out and said I was working. Cop dismissed him. I pointed out that I looked exactly like the one black cop and asked if he was under suspicion...
After my girlfriend at the time cried and promised that i had been at work, he gave me his badge number because I’d probably be pulled over until they caught the bank robber. I didn’t go out of the house unless it was to go to work or go home...
I was pulled over for speeding by a cop named PIGG (no lie), who told me when people “like me” were speeding it usually meant they were doing something illegal. Reprimanded by a cop who was working a set for a show i was once supervising producer of because I took an apple...
...From craft services. He called me from my car, read me the riot act, and then i told him I’d get him fired. Once i proved to him i once worked for the show and the EP was a friend, oh how his attitude changed...
But the best one was when I was accused of murdering a police officer. Returning a dvd to Tower Video. Two unmarkeds pull up. Yell at me and my friend to get up against the wall. Across the street from my job. And accuse me and my friend of killing a cop. They demanded...
we get in the car to go to the police station. I lost it. And begged them to try to put me in the car. I promised if i was accused of murder i might as well make it a real accusation (in harsher words). One of them got in my face and told me to watch my threats...
So, i told him to go fuck himself. Then i demanded a description of the shooter. One was dumb enough to tell the truth. “5’10, light-skinned...” I cut him off and told him I wasn’t gonna be the token nigga for them to take their anger out on...
I told them they were shitty cops. While my friend stood by, terrified. But at that moment, after all the racist shit i had dealt with in life, I was like “fuck it, let’s go.” I guess one must’ve realized how absurd their attempt was...
...because he corralled his buddies and told me I was lucky. We had attracted a crowd, so i knew what he meant, and i said “why don’t you go find the actual murderer.” After they left my friend said...
“Yo, you could’ve gotten us killed.” I told him we were dying a little every day from fear any fucking way. So i didn’t give a damn. Every day since I realize I could have been...
Shot and killed in three of those situations. For being mouthy. Or being a “threat” (6’4, dark skinned, menacing) shit that I’ve been called in the job i have today. And i can tell you a scary truth. I grew up in a city that was the murder capital of the nation and...
I felt less anxiety maneuvering that world than when i dealt with police. Because every fucking time, they started out trying to instill fear, or tried to let me know how lucky i was “this time.” So, fuck off with this whole belief that people shouldn’t fear cops...
...the uniform, the badge, the gun ain’t what people have to worry about. It’s the bullies or the people in fear who wear all of it that are the dangerous ones... i have had a more civil conversation with a Klansman than I’ve had with a cop. True story.
Lastly (update) to anyone who doubts this thread. That’s on you. I’m not seeking sympathy and I have a great life. Doesn’t change what happened tho. And i promise you if you knew me, you’d know I ain’t telling this shit for “likes.” Fini.
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