TW// suicide

#Suicide is trending so I wanna say this.. Don't fucking do it, it's not worth it, it's fucking painful for you.. your family... your friends. It may seem like the only option but I stg it's not... you have so much to live for-
you may not know it yet, but trust me you do. People want you here. it's hard I know, but I will tell you this... it's gonna get better "nothing good in life comes free" you are gonna struggle, that's life-
but whatever your mind tells you, is wrong. you are not worthless, you are not a mistake, you are not ugly, you are not fat, you are not a disappointment. You are human, everyone is different.. so in no way is anyone any of those things-
I love everyone, I mean it. The person reading this right now please note "it's not fucking worth it" you are stronger than you think. Tomorrow is a new day, I want you to see tomorrow, and the next day and the next day. -
(religion) God put us on this Earth for a reason, he has a plan "for how we will die" God would never mark Suicide by your name, never ever ever... -
(non religion) I'll tell you right now, suicide is not the way you are supposed to die. You are supposed to die peacefully, surrounded by those you love.. not alone in a room/empty space. No one should ever have to write a letter explaining how you weren't strong enough-
- Please stay strong, I know you can do it... I'm begging you DO NOT GIVE UP, EVER!! 💖 (all US states suicide hotline numbers to call when you feel like giving up)
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