Let's have a brief look at some facts.

Jews did not arrive in this country in any great numbers until towards the end of the 19th century. They arrived without English, penniless and mostly lived in abject poverty. By their own efforts they rose out of poverty. /1
They worked hard, they supported one another, they seeded businesses, they became involved in political and cultural life, they prospered and integrated, and never once did they ask for advancement solely on the grounds that they were Jews. /2
Some 70 years later came other migrations. That of the Sikhs and Hindus was very like that of the Jews, with the difference that neither Sikh nor Hindu could ever pass for European. But they worked hard and... (see /2 above.) /3
Alongside the Sikhs and Hindus arrived the West Indian migrants. They spoke English, were far more culturally similar to the British than the arrivals from the sub-continent or the Jews escaping the Tsarist empire, and yet their story is so very different. /4
The sheer success of the Jewish and Indian (and today Chinese) migrations proves beyond argument that besides being a welcoming country, Britain is an inclusive place where a good life may be forged for the want of effort. /5
All the tokenism, box-ticking and quota-filling in the world will never bring success to any community reliant upon them. That is the very antithesis of success. It removes all meaning from the word. It is an admission of failure. /6
It would be quite unjust to tar all black people with the same brush. I am quite sure the great majority, particularly of the older generation, have no wish to live in crime and drug-riddled communities, and that they know in their hearts the problem is internal, not external. /7
They know that the self-selecting "spokesmen" who claim to represent the views of their communities, and their liberal allies, are ultimately destructive of those communities. /8
There wil be no progress for our black communities unless or until they take a leaf out of the book adhered to by every other migrant community.

And telling those silver-tongued "spokesmen" (and women) and the people who live in safe North London streets to go...
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