Me: *shuffling cards knowing I’m supposed to stick to my diet* Can I have ice cream?
Ancestors: *Justice card*
Me: ....Clarify that.
My ancestors: *The Fool*
Me: *stops making this tweet and asks for more clarity*
Ancestors: *8 of swords*
Me: Clarity
Ancestors: *Ace of Cups rx*
They said I can have cookies and I’m one cookie in and I’m okay 😭
Okay yeah I’m fine actually period. They even said no to the sweet trail mix like smjskskmsmmzmzmzmznmzmsm they knew I was gonna be upset I got the Queen of Cups rx for that and the King or Cups for cookies 💀
They said no to kefir lmfaooo they say “eat more kefir it’s not gonna fill your soul at this point you eat it so damn much” ok dkkdks. I got the lovers rx for that see that tired ass relationship I got with kefir 💀
I had two cookies and the way the sugar is just overriding the back of my throaK I’m GOOD I’m about to drink a gallon on water now.
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