So my gf doesn’t really have a twitter acct cause she’s like an oldie. 😂 Anyway we’re celebrating our 2 years and 11 months of being together today but couldn’t meet up with her 😭💔 I miss her so much. I haven’t seen her since March because of the Pandemic. Isn’t she beautiful?
I really love her... tho she’s not a fan of Moonbyul and sometimes we argue about it. *I’m a Byul stan (Really petty, I know) She loves Ahn Hyejin tho.
I’m older than her (3 years to be exact). She’s studying Dentistry rn while I’m already working. We’re both in the medical field so It’s kinda cute. 💕 We’re both open about our sexuality to other people and both of our families accepted our relationship so It’s kinda cool. ❤️
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