This ends up going off on a spiel about time travellers

Down to the nuts and bolts; NESARA - supposedly been mostly scrubbed and is the golden calf when it comes to pro-the-people statecraft

Item 2:
> mostly Trump is anti IRS and 'the fed' although; FBI or federal gov?
3: there is no way to hide this, if the NESARA plan comes into action it is still globalist but instead of global Zion it's global America; think an inversion of kalergi

4: if trump is as dedicated to this as he is then he must have made some incredible deal with his opponents -
4b: because everyone else who attempted it was apparently killed

5: furthermore most of the supplemental materiel argued here is hearsay, built upon theories, built upon hearsay: it borders delusion
In supplement to my original response; it is extremely dangerous to not only accept this extreme plan trusting mindset, but also to think that conspiracy theories are true AND for our benefit is madness. There have been thousands of deaths to suppress information...
.. why would you argue that millions of deaths instead is more reasonable to be a benefit to us?

In regards to the technology sort of thing, a lot of science fiction today (think star trek) is theoretically possible, however there is no telling how much of those theories will..
Feed into the confirmation bias of new age conspiracists or archeotech enthusiasts

It's very higgs-boson of someone to presume this
I could talk about this for a while but I don't want to choke people with a massive thread so make your own opinions
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