We are witnessing an economic paradigm shift enabled by decentralized technologies with solid potential to revolutionize world of money.

The untapped power of building with the interoperable protocols in DeFi is breathtaking (Money Legos)

Here it comes your starter's kit 💼💰⛏️

To start your journey, select your preferred wallet.
You have great options here:

Metamask ( @metamask_io )
Argent ( @argentHQ )
MyEtherWallet ( @myetherwallet )
Coinbase Wallet ( @CoinbaseWallet )

Pick the most intuitive, secure and accessible for your purposes.
[Asset Management]

When it comes to track your portfolio & manage your capital, you cannot miss:

Zapper ( @zapper_fi )
Defi Saver ( @DeFiSaver )
Zerion ( @zerion_io )
Token Sets ( @SetProtocol)
Balancer ( @BalancerLabs )
Instadapp ( @Instadapp )

Want to earn yield on your idle tokens and put your money to work? Supply your funds in exchange of annualized returns.

Compound ( @compoundfinance )
Aave ( @AaveAave )
dYdX ( @dydxprotocol )

Non-Custodial âś…
[Decentralized Exchanges-DEXs]

Trade between hundreds of tokens in automated protocols. Go long/short with leverage in a permission-less and trust-less manner

Uniswap ( @UniswapProtocol )
Kyber ( @KyberNetwork )
dYdX ( @dydxprotocol )
1inch ( @1inchExchange )
Curve ( @CurveFinance )

Crucial piece of infrastructure necessary to support the long-term growth of any asset class: futures, options, swaps, forwards.

Synthetix ( @synthetix_io )
dYdX ( @dydxprotocol )
UMA ( @UMAprotocol )
Opyn ( @opyn_ )
Hegic ( @HegicOptions )

DeFi ecosystem has been insanely dynamic and crazily interesting protocols are exploding every week. Make sure to duly understand & manage your risks and consider buying protection:

Nexus Mutual ( @NexusMutual )
Opyn ( @opyn_ )
Absolutely sure that I'm missing several fantastic protocols on this thread, for sure to be covered soon.

We are just scratching the surface here and endless possibilities are yet to come on Open Finance.

You can follow @DeFiBrasil.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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