I’m emotionally exhausted today. i spent 4 hours at the vet, there’s so much I want/need to do, I’m tired of having to work and ppl telling me they’ve been “dying for us to reopen” — I really just like don’t wanna do this anymore. I’m tired and frustrated of everything & every1
Getting angry when ppl want to act like everything is dandy - and here I am almost wishing the same. But holy shit, every day is some new anxiety-inducing thought: will I get covid at work today? Will cops somewhere do another terrible thing? How LONG until it gets better?
Some days I’m naturally optimistic and hopeful for change because that’s just who I try to be. But holy fuck, seriously the world feels like a black hole and I’m way over it right now
I’m just venting cause what else am I gonna say or do or w/e & I’ll probably get tired of this thread by tomorrow and delete it anyway

Idk sorry if you got this far and read this whole thing. I’m just tired.
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