PSA: if you are a man and simply RT a genius woman without editorializing first, you may physically explode.
Live look at white dudes being triggered by this Tweet
Weird, some white men on here seem to have taken my original remarks as a criticism of some kind. Bros, I am simply trying to keep you safe. Please, you should never EVER simply RT a woman, ok? It's actually _medically dangerous_ for a white man to do that. ALWAYS weigh in first.
Wow 24+ hours later and there are still verifieds continuing to spin out in my replies over this. Criticizing white men is FUN.
I'm not saying that criticizing straight white men gratuitously is a cheap legal high or anything, but just FYI the majority of them really lose their shit completely about it and it's *kinda* like fireworks. If you like fireworks.
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