peaches isn’t funny peaches isn’t funny peaches isn’t funny peaches isn’t funny peaches isn’t funny peaches isn’t funny peaches isn’t funny peaches isn’t funny peaches isn’t funny peaches isn’t funny peaches isn’t funny peaches isn’t funny peaches isn’t funny peaches isn’t funny
okay this doesn’t have like A LOT of likes but it’s a lot to me so I’m gonna promote this link for y’all to use! it has a lot of info on how you can help with BLM! 
okay y’all i was not expecting this to get this many likes but I think she needs serious mental help. if you support her, try and help her get the help she needs. saying that she needs to die/is super funny isn’t helping her at all...
feel free to promote whatever black/BIPOC businesses you have under my tweet. it’s not super viral but I’d love to help!
instead of quoting this and insulting me, why don’t y’all reach out to peaches and get her some help. she’s been traumatized and degraded by men for years and y’all just laugh at her when she tries dealing with her pain in a self-sabotaging way. she isn’t funny, she’s HURTING!
i don’t hate peaches. i just think she needs help. also i love the fancams y’all are posting :)
to ppl that are posting kpop fancams, can you tell me who they are bc some of these songs/dances are fire asf
okay since a lot of y’all are asking who peaches is, this is what she has done.
- flashed minors in public and on live
- committed beastiality
- encouraged pedohilia
- ate her bodily waste on live
- engaged in colorism/xenophobia
- is dating a minor
there’s more than this too
*pedophilia. also...
- has tried multiple times to sell her young daughter for sex
- talks about sexual acts with her daughter who is <4 years old
- attacks black so men for being black (self-hate)
- tried to break into the houses of multiple minors
what she looks like is in the hidden replies if you would like to now. I think there’s a fan base called the “peaches” and I wanted to let y’all know that this ISNT about y’all :). also it’s not about the fruit or the ice age character haha
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