TW // Abuse Wayy to much has happened during this COVID. Here’s all- threads exposing certain celebrities we need to stop supporting and hold accountable along with humanitarian issues has been going on for far TOO long. Please share if you found more.
Before we begin, I found this carrd with petitions need to be sign to support people all around the world, I would share a few individually. DO NOT donate to Change .org 
Jefree St4r
Shane Daws0n - he has a mass following of children. This is gross.
Scooter Br4un
Dr. Luk3
Here’s a thread abt him and riri
Ansel EIgort exposed of being predatory to young girls. He issued an ‘apology’ narrating that a victim was a crazy ex-girlfriend. Wtf.
Some research to do Idk if many of yall heard of this before, but there’s an ongoing ‘conspiracy theory’ abt pizza gate, which Justin Bieber tried to expose. Watchc these (they’re shadowbanned)..
Here’s a topic I’m passionate about: Fast fashion. Look around, I’d recommend watching videos by Kristin Leo.
Obviously sign these petitions/donate to current events, DO NOT donate to Change. org:
1. BLM 
Please check the carrd (2nd tweet of this thread). Stay safe, and only go out when you need to; wear a mask and wash ur hands frequently. Take care of your health, let’s hope we all change as a society. Not gonna end this thread yet incase there are more to add:
The abusive power of sexism and blacklisting in the entertainment industry :/
You can follow @zeebruhhhhhh.
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