Fuck this because it is the latest of a long string of actions on immigration that are antithetical to the idea that we are, each of us, an irreplaceable and unique work of art.
Fuck this because it is a step away from a more fair and just world.
Fuck this because it appeals to the worst aspects of our natures, not the best.
Fuck this because of its mountainish inhumanity.
Fuck this for more selfish reasons, too.
Fuck this because it will weaken my country.
Fuck this because of what it will do to the field that I love.
Fuck this because some of my best professional moments have come in a global collaboration with 1000+ members, many of whom will now be forbidden from working in my country.
Fuck this because of what it will do to my university, my colleagues, and my students.
Fuck this because my group meeting was this afternoon. Five of eight group members are not US citizens.
Fuck this because of the pain and disruption it will cause to my colleagues and friends.
Fuck this because of all the insights and knowledge that will be lost.
You can follow @farrwill.
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