Reporters should not flatly state “____ is a flawed candidate running a flawed campaign.”

If you want to be an opinion writer, that’s another section.

I can’t believe this is even up for debate.
Gah at least pull a Trump and say “people say Biden is a flawed candidate.” Your personal opinion as a reporter - not even an elections/campaign reporter - stated flatly is not “analysis.”

By what metric is Biden “flawed” beyond the fact that every candidate ever is flawed?
Obama was a “flawed” candidate in 2008. He was Black, which was seen as a big flaw by many. 🙄
Nixon certainly ran a flawed campaign in 1972, what with all the crime. Didn’t stop him from winning big.
Of course there’s the hagiography of the great Bill Clinton campaign, which managed a plurality of the popular vote to beat an incumbent who spent the campaign below 40% approval. Flawless!
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