a thread of
seungri's answers regarding his case/ scandal
“I submitted a petition asking for a thorough investigation into myself. Once again, I apologize for causing concern & anger with the various controversies &accusations. I will earnestly cooperate with investigations so the truth can be revealed asap.” https://twitter.com/dhhyaal/status/1202084933914812417
reporter : did you submit your phone?
seungri : yes,i already submitted my phone to the police

media: SEUNGRI REFUSES TO SUBMIT HIS PHONE https://twitter.com/yellowkings5/status/1201923975917555712?s=20
Seungri’s lawyer: "a very well known /famous media platform called us to know the truth about the case. We shared the facts but they decided not to publish it in the end"
tweet credit : @yellowkings5
video from : @vervixxs https://twitter.com/yellowkings5/status/1201928336605364224?s=20
“My only hope is that the investigation and results are seen with an objective eye. These days, people are tying everything.."
"But I’m just a celebrity. I don’t know those people at all. This was a situation that occurred at a club"
seungri : "I just cannot bear causing any further damage to people around me, while being hated and criticized by the public and being treated as a nation's enemy during the investigation," he wrote in an Instagram post at the time.
seungri interview with chosun ilbo: "I never attended a meeting regarding Burning Sun, never received an employee list, or received a direct payment from them. I was really just the face. All I did was lend my name to Burning Sun, and invest 10 million won through Yuri Holdings."
Seungri explained that he quit his position as a director of Burning Sun before the assault cases, and claimed he was also a victim of Burning Sun’s misdeeds.
seungri interviewed by chosun ilbo :
"How am I supposed to live for the future when the investigation results have not yet been released? Even if I am cleared of charges, people will call it police collusion, saying I got help from higher-up."
seungri's interview with chosun : "I am currently cooperating with investigations. I would be grateful if everyone would remain calm,subdue their anger until the investigation results are revealed, and judge the results without bias."
Hae Jae-Geun is a culture critic. Hae Jae-geun wrote Issue Analysis regarding Seungri's case.

"its unfair to brutally beat someone based on the public's opinion."

source : https://dailian.co.kr/news/view/795752
trans : @GottaTalk2V1212
Hae-Jae Geun :
"no matter how much police investigate, whether they're forced to move on to seungri's personal injustices due to lack of allegations in BS, or whether intentionally covered up BS and beat up seungri for a longtime to attract attention.." https://twitter.com/gottatalk2v1212/status/1129448149544624130?s=21
hae-jae geun :
source: https://twitter.com/GottaTalk2V1212/status/1112441995706789888?s=20
ha jae-geun : "if the issue of seungri and yg entertainment continues to be in the forefront, the truth may be burried"
source and trans : https://twitter.com/GottaTalk2V1212/status/1110553876204130309?s=20 https://n.news.naver.com/article/119/0002318972?lfrom=twitter
Ha Jae-geun :
source and trans : https://twitter.com/GottaTalk2V1212/status/1129670414743945216?s=20 https://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&oid=119&aid=0002329609&sid1=001
"BY constantly publishing falsified news, the media has defamed Seungri. These news are then republished by international media as well. The effects of these publications have trampled over his legacy, reputation and future dreams." Selva R. Thiyagarajan, LLB, Hons, Lond, CLP, UM
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