Thread: I have an idea for how to save the #republic by instituting #StructuralReform.

Could someone write up the following as a proper constitutional amendment?

Here goes:
Double the size of the House of Representatives.

Remove the #Senate from the legislative process. Let it focus on oversight of the Executive Branch, confirmation of presidential appointments, impeachment trials, ratification of treaties, etc.
The new, expanded House would send all legislation directly to the president for his/her signature or veto. The House could (by itself) override presidential vetos with a 2-thirds majority.
Removing a president would still require a 2-thirds majority in the Senate. But the rules of #impeachment trials would require a majority vote in the House. The Chief Justice of the #SCOTUS still presides.
During impeachment trials, the Speaker of the #House could bring rules violations to the attention of the Senate parliamentarian or the Chief Justice, as appropriate, which would be required to issue a decision.
House terms extended to four years instead of 2 to slow the constant fundraising. No midterms elections. #House members and candidates would be eligible for public campaign funding, under rules set by the House and signed by the president. Incumbents would not get an advantage.
Senate candidates also would be eligible for public campaign funding under rules set by the #Senate and signed by the president. No advantage for incumbents allowed.
5 most populous states get 4 Senators each (instead of 2). States ranked 6-10 in population get 3 senators each. Bottom 5 least-populous states get just 1 senator each. All others get 2.
- end of thread
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