I've gotten a few messages or comments from people upset they can't afford the already low deals I'm making. Not because the deal isn't good but because they're not in a financial situation to be able to afford it.

Unlike Wotc I want to have a heart to heart.
It's not that every sale isn't meant for you but rather you have to look at it like this:

The Price may be right but the time isn't.

I think for a lot of people in MTG we have issues prioritizing our wants. When we're plugged into a non stop marketing hype machine you begin to
feel as though you're constantly missing out.

But guess what: That's Ok. Just because something's a good deal doesn't mean you HAVE TO BUY it.

I have parents who are chronic rebators. They buy whatever is on sale no matter how useless and get it free (kinda) after rebate
but it's never worth the time. They now have several hundred dollars in rebate credit at @Menards and will now honestly never spend it.

I know the appeal of getting a good deal can be a lot but is that really what you want for yourself?

To be constantly "Needing" new stuff?
For me at least I found myself to be a lot happier when I started prioritizing desires based on what I was working on and then eventually divesting myself from the 'hype' around spoiler season.

I'm excited for cards sure but I also acknowledge when everything is OP. Nothing is.
I think mtgfinance is liberating in this sense. Once you master your own FOMO
you become free to save and buy at your leisure with no pressure from whims of fancy.

You buy because you want the card not because it's a card in front of you and it's cheap... I don't know
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