POC authors, if you have a book, no matter how big or small, you’ve got some clout. Since your foot is in the door, use that foot to kick that door open for others. Here are some ideas. A thread 1/
Invite POC to writer’s groups. 2/
Buy their books and tell everyone you bought their books 3/
Write a review on Goodreads. Even if it’s 2 sentences. 4/
Take pictures of their books. If you’re brave, make it a selfie! 5/
Offer to edit or provide feedback on their work 6/
When you get invited to submit to an anthology, say something to the editor like, ‘You know who would be great in this anthology?’ 7/
Ask your agent if they’re open to queries and if they’re good with it, tell them you know of a great author whose work they might like. Let the agent know they’re going to query. 8/
And lastly, if you’re a successful white author who has read this, double the efforts, especially for Black authors. 12/
You can follow @ruben_degollado.
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