1 of 5 - Racism is taught -

In 2013 I did an intake interview w/a woman who quickly began crying. Seems this kindly woman had taken her bright, bubbly daughter to K-12 in a public school over the hill in Oakland, CA, wanting her to make friends of all races.

2-To her shock, within a short time her confident, gregarious child had become sullen, withdrawn, angry & afraid. She had changed dramatically & now, years later, she had not recovered.

So what had happened?
3-Seems the curriculum in this Kindergarten and grade school was not primarily about the Three R’s. Much of the time was spent on leftist propaganda, social justice & racial indoctrination.

The example that has always stood out in my mind -
4-She told of her child bawling as she described being lined up, whites on one side of the room, blacks on the other. The whites were made to apologize for slavery, discrimination & white privilege while the minorities were told to try to forgive them of their many sins.

So -
5-Is it any wonder then - These rioters & anarchists, the angry youth we see burning & destroying & assaulting innocent people so brutally & the virtue signalling white liberals that bow to them, kiss their boots & provide them cover?

They are just doing what they were taught.
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